Data Summit 2023

Data Summit 2023

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About Event

The generative AI revolution requires a first step from all enterprises: Data integrity.

VentureBeat’s Data Summit is back and in-person in San Francisco on November 15, 2023! LLMs and other powerful applications are moving forward at lightning speed and in order to take advantage of them, we first need to understand what they require from data integrity, to technical integrations, and what will be demanded of strategic leaders across the org.

At the Data Summit, you will hear debates on the most important trends around this push by enterprise toward integrated and unified data integrity strategies to pave a road that taps into the power of generative AI through topics such as advanced data and analytics, artificial intelligence, data fabric, and data quality.

Where Terra Gallery, San Francisco, CA
When November 15, 2023

Who Attends?

Data Summit attendees are director level-and-above execs leading their companies’ data technology and data strategy efforts, including IT, data, analytics, AI, and engineering titles from across healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, retail, and other industries.

2023 Speakers

2023 Agenda

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM PST: Breakfast/Networking

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST: Opening Remarks and Keynote

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM PST: Data Governance for AI-Driven Innovation
Discover the pivotal role of data governance in driving AI-powered innovation. Join leading experts as they share battle-tested strategies for building a robust data governance framework that not only guarantees data quality and integrity but also champions responsible AI practices. In this session, explore the transformational journey from data governance to cutting-edge AI innovation.

10:30 AM – 11:15 AM PST: Morning Coffee Break & Networking

11:15 AM – 11:35 AM PST: Platinum Sponsor – Foursquare

11:35 AM – 11:55 AM PST: Leading the Way in Generative AI with Cloud Data Unification
Albertsons, the second largest U.S. grocery company, envisions a tech-driven world for personalized online and in-store grocery shopping. They’ve partnered with Microsoft Azure and others to create a cloud-based unified data platform, enabling Generative AI applications. Miguel Paredes, VP of Data and AI at Albertsons, will discuss their collaboration with MIT and Stanford to develop industry-specific language models using Generative AI. He’ll also cover how cross-functional teams ensure data integrity and strategy alignment.

You will learn:
— How to build a strong data foundation on the cloud that enables Generative AI integration
— How to use data quality and preparation techniques to create customized language models for your industry
— How to foster cross-functional collaboration for AI integration and regulatory compliance
— How to align your data-driven strategies with your Generative AI goals

Speaker: Miguel Paredes, VP of AI & Data Science, Albertsons


Explore the intersection of responsible innovation, data integrity, and ethical AI. Hear how one organization has built a strong foundation of data integrity to foster trustworthy AI solutions. They share insights and best practices to navigate ethical complexities, ensuring AI’s positive impact on both business outcomes and the broader commmunication

12:25 PM – 1:25 PM PST: Lunch

1:25 PM – 1:55 PM PST: The Transformative Role of AI in Modern Data Management
This session explores how AI is reshaping the data landscape and rewriting the rules of modern data management. One company shares how they harness AI-driven insights to enable make lightning-fast and accurate decision-making, leveraging data to gain a competitive edge and empowering leaders to pivot confidently.

Key Takeaways:
— Automated efficiency: Hear real-world examples of AI automating data tasks, reducing manual effort and giving team more time to focus on strategic decisions.
— Enhanced decision-making: Learn the hottest AI tools and strategies to analyze vast data sets, aiding decision-makers in crafting strategies.
— Predictive innovation: How can your team harness AI-powered predictive analytics to gain a competitive advantage while maintaining security and governance.

1:55 PM – 2:15 PM PST: Unstructured Data Unleashed
In an environment overflowing with unstructured data, how can you turn chaos into an advantage? In this session, one company explores the strategies they’ve used to harness the full potential of unstructured data, sharing insights on how organizations can master the art of optimizing and extracting insights from this wealth of information. Don’t miss this discussion on how your organization can fuel innovation and improve decision-making to drive enterprise success.

2:15 PM – 2:45 PM PST: AI’s Role in Clean and Reliable Data
Learn how one company has used AI to ensure the cleanliness and reliability of data. In this session, we will explore practical approaches for using AI techniques to assess, cleanse, and maintain data quality. Our experts share real-world examples and best practices for utilizing more trustworthy data in your AI initiatives.

2:45 PM – 3:30 PM PST: Afternoon Coffee Break & Networking

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM PST: Creating a Data Fabric for Data Integrity and Generative AI Power
In dealing with highly confidential customer data, Disney knew they need to take a strategic approach before delving into generative AI applications. Christine Chung, Disney’s Director of Advanced Analytics and Data Solutions, will share how Disney established a unified data platform that ensured data accuracy, reliability and privacy. She will discuss how the company introduced a data fabric that ensured ACID principles, enforced governance, and improved observability and compliance. Additionally, learn how Disney’s innovative use of data clean room practices helped maintain top-tier data integrity and privacy.

Key takeaways:
— Strategic data integrity: Learn how integrated data strategies pave the way for generative AI success.
— Unified data fabric: Learn the benefits Disney encountered as they harnessed a consistent data platform across business units.
— Accelerated transformation: Discover how a unified approach can speed up digital evolution and AI adoption at your organization.

3:50 PM – 4:20 PM PST: Building Data Teams and Fostering Data Literacy in the Age of Gen AI
As Gen AI reshapes the data landscape, organizations find themselves reevaluating their approaches to assembling data team and promoting data literacy across the enterprise. In this session, hear how leading organizations are adapting to the challenges and opportunities in recruiting and nurturing talent to harness the power of Gen AI. However, today it’s not enough to have just a dedicated data team, you also need to instill data literacy across the organization. Learn practical approaches and strategies that will empower your organization and create transformative outcomes.

4:20 PM – 4:50 PM PST: Optimizing Your Data Stack for LLMs in the Enterprise Analytics Era
Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the field of natural language processing (NLP) and enabling new applications of data analytics and AI across various domains and industries. However, to take full advantage of LLMs, enterprises need to have a robust and scalable data stack that can handle the massive amount of data and compute required by these models. In this session, you will learn how one company optimized its data infrastructure to leverage the latest tools and technique, and to get ready to integrate LLMs into its data analytics pipeline and workflow.

You will learn:
— How to prepare your data analytics for the LLM era, including technology solution choices
— How to think about a lakehouse strategy
— How to integrate your analytics and LLM strategies

4:50 PM – 5:00 PM PST: Closing Remarks

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Direction For The Event Hall

ADDRESS 203 Madison Ave, NY, USA
Timing On Friday 9am - 6pm